Facilitated training online workshops

Plain language training (written communication):

Plain Language training: Writing for your community: an introduction to plain language.

This workshop covers the four key principles of plain language, giving participants the tools and skills to create written documents and resources in plain language.

Plain Language training:
Writing for your community: applying plain language

This workshop is for people who understand the four guiding principles of plain language and want to put them into practice. Participants will have the opportunity to use enliven Victoria’s checklist to convert a document into plain language from start-to-finish. 

Verbal communication training:

Communicating with your community: verbal communication

This workshop covers the basics of health literacy and effective communication, giving participants the tools and skills to communicate effectively with their clients or community groups. This is particularly important when working with cohorts who may have low health literacy or when English is a second language.

Communicating with your patients: the teach-back method 

The workshop is for client-facing professionals who want to hone their skills in the teach-back method. Workshop content includes an in-depth review of each step of the teach-back method, as well as practical examples of its use. Using teach-back effectively is particularly important when considering your patients’ health outcomes and satisfaction. 

Complete communication training:

Hands-on communication

This workshop combines our two communicating workshop to create an all in one communication workshop. Our hands-on communication workshop covers the basics of health literacy as well as both written and verbal forms of communication. This includes plain language as well as the teach-back method. Suitable for those who would like to gain a solid understanding of the key concepts of health literacy and effective communication.

Hands-on communication  group workshop

Suitable for an organisation who would like to run our Hands-on communication workshop exclusively for their workplace.

Hands-on communication customised workshop

Suitable for an organisation who would like to book a workshop tailored to their needs.