Food from Home
Food from Home: A Social Marketing Campaign
Enliven Victoria leads ‘Food from Home’ in partnership with Monash Health and Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. Food from Home is a community-based social marketing campaign which aims to promote growing food at home.
We create simple resources, host events, and encourage opportunities to make growing food at home simple, fun, affordable, and sustainable. Food from Home utilises the power of social media to foster and promote food, culture, and connection within our local community.
Head to the dedicated Food from Home website to find out more.
The Food from Home vision
The Food from Home vision is a resilient, healthy, and food-secure future for all individuals, families, and households across Victoria, Australia. World events like the recent pandemic exposed the fragility of our local food system, widening health and social inequities. This highlighted the importance of strengthening access to fresh, affordable, safe, and healthy food at a household level.
The Food from Home campaign
Food from Home is a social marketing campaign which addresses the barriers of growing and cooking with your own food, to improve individual and climate health outcomes across Victoria. View our Program Logic here.
The campaign concept and key messaging was informed by a catchment-wide community insights survey and a community co-design workshop. A summary report and findings from the ‘South East Melbourne Growing Food at Home Survey 2020’ can be found here.
Find our 2024 3-year evaluation report here
Promote the campaign across your digital media platforms.
Local service providers, organisations, schools and businesses are encouraged to download the Food from Home Campaign Toolkit which contains information about the campaign, social media content, and newsletter copies.
If you would like to discuss Food from Home, get in touch by emailing
The Food from Home website
For more information and lots of growing tips visit the Food from Home website
Connect with us on social media.
Instagram @foodfromh0me
Facebook @foodfromh0me
Past projects
The ‘Grow & Cook’ Workshop series
The Food from Home team collaborated with Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation to design four seasonal growing and cooking workshops for community settings.
Each workshop is tailored to the season and include: i
A kitchen safety and cutting demonstration
Gardening benefits presentation
Tips and tricks to easy growing
Planting demonstration and Q+A
Shared meal amongst participants
For anyone interested in hosting their own ‘Grow & Cook’ workshop for your community, email us at
This project was proudly supported by the City of Greater Dandenong Community Support Grants Program
The ‘Grow Together’ Project
Thanks to VicHealth's Reimagining Health grants, the 'Grow Together' project helped 700 families and young people from across Greater Dandenong, Casey and Cardinia receive the support they need to start growing food at home!
enliven Victoria worked closely with Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) and our incredible Neighbourhood House network to distribute planter kits to our community members hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes people living in public housing, youth residential services, supported residential services, caravan parks and others facing hardship or food insecurity.
See our Grow Together project report here.
Project contacts details:
Food from Home is supported by the following partners: